Wednesday, October 8, 2008
My response to the Holocaust video is that its very sad. The way the Jewish were treated was disgraceful. I really don't understand why they were targeted in the first place. They are just like everyone else, it was unfair. Hitler must have been crazy! I really don't understand why the The people in America wouldn't let the Jewish people in. Everyone in America is basically an immigrant. So when the Americans were blaming the Jewish people for the the problems...they were being hypocrites. If the Americans just let the Jewish people in, so many lives could have been spared.
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For starters Hitler was the sickest, craziest, evilist bastard to ever live, 2nd, oh god I don't even know where to begin with the whole, everyone is an immigrant thing, read my blog and the comments on third one. The reason the US government has a quota for immigration still to this day, and ALWAYS has, on what percentage of what nationality's are let in, is because if too many period, or far too many of one group influx above this quotas, it completely destroys the balance and stability of the infrastructures of this country and the country begins to collapse loses stability and ultimately would be destroyed. Any socioligist can explain this fact very simply to anyone and anyone who doesn't understand this should seek one out so they understand the need for these quotas currently, which have always been in place. If too many mexican immigrants illegaly flood the country, you realise what happens? America is no longer America and is now Mexico. I have been working in Mexico the last 6 years and spend a great deal of every year residing there. The every one is an immigrant thing, is not relevant, mexicans origionaly immigrated to Mexico, native americans came from asian continent origionaly, ebery one every where throughout history no matter what race or continent has been immigrated conquered and at one point or another enslaved. Persian empire, Roman empire, asian, etc etc etc all conquered and ruled most of the world at one point. Mexicans wiped out ancient native peoples to get mexico. Native americans conqured each other for lands with ideal resources. The everyone is an immigrant thing is a not a relevant argument to throw in the towel and just anyone who wants in in. Americaqns cannot get citizenship in canada if they atre felons. Americans cannot even buy property in mexico, 100 yr lease is common, you cannot get a job in mexico legaly iof you are white american, you are not welcome in mexico unless you come to spend money, bring jobs, in some way benefit the mexican economy or government, all of which cost you a pretty, and crooked penny to the crooked mexican government. The slaughter of any human group on earth is unnacceptable and America should have immobilised and invaded to protect the innocent, and yes America was a very very, unforgivably racist country back in the day, but far less racist than majority of the other country's on earth, and thats a fact. America lets EVERY RACE OR NATIONALITY IMMIGRATE HERE, but not by the millions of refugees. Mexico has done it, it is destroying ca and Texas. Fidel Castro rounded up the very poor the drug addicts the criminals, the sick and addicted and dying, the scum of the earth, and kicked them all out into florida they came. If it wasn't for the billions in coccaine in the seventys Florida would have ended America at the time. Castro Boasted on his speeches," I have flushed the toilets of Cuba on America". Crime, sickness, homicide, rape and sexual offenses,unemployment all rose hundreds to thousands of percents, real esate fell, infletion, oh my god florida was a mess for decade it was known and voted as the worst place to live in america, and the most dangerous place in america, and broke all national recorsds for homicide and rapes. Throughout history unchecked massive immigration has effected America extremely negatively, any actual expert will tell you this. What th nazis did was the evilist thing in history maybe, and makes me cry every time i watch a movie about it, but a bleeding heart and feeling sad do not mean all reason goes out the window. And the experts who make these quotas are some of the most educated people on earth, and spend their entire lives and careers doing and researching this, and are far more more qualified to say what is good for America. There is certainly noone in this class, or this school for that matter to really have the right to argue with the experts and a person would have to be pretty arrogant to think they know better. So lets not throw logic out the window because somethings upsetting and heartbreaking. It is Americas morale responsibility to help any group of oppressed people on earth, however it is not our responsibility to house them, nor destroy the american way of life. All I'm saying is really think about all sides of everything. We cannot allow ourselves to brainwashed or manipulated by feelings of sorrow or sadness. Propaganda and commercails brainwash us daily intentionaly, so does politics school religion everywhere you look every day. We cannot allow to be manipulated and must control our emotions and use our heads. Otherwise we willing give our lives and freedoms away, and are mindless cattle mooing our way through the lines at Disney land. There is nothing wrong with being sweet and compassionate, love you for that, just think a little bit with your mind as well as your big heart.
Insurance companys spent millions on commercials and propaganda brainwashing people into thinking that all californians should be required by law to carry insurance. Uninsured motorist coverage is like 15-25 bucks a month and protects any one from uninsured motorists, this law was not necessary and did not protect anyone extra, now everyone is victim too insane insurance rates that millions of californians cannot afford so drive illegaly then get cars impounded, go to jail and pay thousand usualy when its all said and done.
Colombine killings were on tv every day for year, was used to play on americans sympathy and shock, and anti gun groups lobbied spent millions on propaganda, and snuck in some of the most constitutonaly violating and intrusive laws in gun control in history.
Millions was spent on propaganda to play on americans feelings of crime after several national incidents and americans blindly aproved the three strikes law thinking they would be taking murderes off the street, now millions of americans lives and familiues destroyed by life imprisonment, to suffer behind bars for 25-life for burglary, theft, marijuana and drugs, tax evasion, something as simple as a fist fight on on on on and on.
After 9-11 the country was heart broken and in shock, we were brainwashed again into paqssing patriot act, which now has our fbi and law enforcement basically tearing up your constitutional birth rights in this country, and wiping their behinds with it.
Insurance companys spent millions behind the scenes again to brainwash us and play on peoples emotions, thinking they were saving lives by the billion or something they got helmet laws passed, so any cop can harras and ticket and seartch any child teen or person on a bike or motorcycle without a helmet. In newport where I just lived right on the beach for 6 yrs EVERYONE HAS A BIKE BECAUSE PARKING AT PENNINSULA SUCKS FROM TOURISTS, police can profile and harrass anyone they wish for riding 5mph on a bicicle!
Oklahoma city got all kinds of crazy laws passed to where teens are sent to prison for pranks with fifty cent firecrackers.
Americans were misled by a few with special interests, and thought they were protecting pedestrians when skateboarding was origionaly outlawed. Now teens across america are harrassed and brutalized daily in every state for riding a skateboard, and aside from the rampant police brutality that ensues usually on these poor kids, they have their boards legaly taken away and usualy get searched and ticketed if not a free cab ride straight to jail.
I could do this all day, a million examples of americans being brainwashed every day. Right now in class we're being manipulated in college and we were all through school, and will be our entire adult lives by the government and special interest groups.
Americans give their freedoms and birth rights over without struggle when easily lead and swayed by their hearts. Like I said, I love you for being sweet, and we're supposed to have a balance of reason and compassion, when our emotions get the best of us no matter which emotion, sadness, anger, whatever, we lose rationality and our minds get smaller and begin to close, and there is nothing worse then a closed mind, except maybe a broken heart but thats a whole differentr post.
Cuban mass immigration into florida almost destroyed florida, law enforcement, education, corrections, health care real estate, THE IMMIGRANTS FROM CUBA BROUGHT WITH THEM THE ENSUING 1970'S COCCAINE EPIDEMIC, (watch the documentary coccaine cowboys for starters on a crash course on what mass immigration effects america) also aids hepatitus turbucolosis many other disease came with the immigrants, and always do from 3rd world countrys like cuba mexico middle eastern countries and asian and african. As I said Florida almost went under and almost took america with it and to this day is still suffering from the 1970s migration to florida. The mexican influx in ca is doing the same thing in our decade. Do you people even realise what is happening in america right now? we are on the verge of the worst economic crisis since the great depression, AND DO YOU KIDS HAVE ANY CLUE WHY? because most of americas financial security was invested in mortgages, and lenders struck out on unprecedented sprees of targeted lending, targeting and praying upon the poor who never should have been allowed, and never have qualified in history before, and the poor were lent to. These are the "subprime" loans you hear on the news being discussed. The fact is , AN OVERFREAKINWHELMING MAJORITY of these loans were to foreign born peoples who could not afford and was criminal to allow them qualifying on mortgage loans. The wealthy got wealthier and gambled on the poor and immigrants and they went bust so so have the largest financial institutions in the history of America. Whether it is education, welfare, health care, employment, no matter what social system, there is a limit, only so much is available, so OBVIOUSLY every job, every house, every seat in a classroom, every bed in a hospital, every cop busy on a call, or paramedic, every cell in prison, and every single cent spent on all of these types of social services means there is one less available for a resident citizen who themselves and their families have paid for and built with every paycheck they have ever had in their entire lives. Relatives lost in wars. Lifetimes spent working paying taxes every week into these systems to be available for them and their families. But because these systems are overrun and depleted the poor immigrantas and foreign born, they are not any longer, as a result available to the origional families and citizens who established and maintained them. Keep in mind your history, the holocaust tape was 1937-1941: WHEN WAS THE GREAT DEPRESSION? back then EVERYONE was struggling for jobs etc. You think while already watching their families struggle for work shelter and food, americans wanted more poor immigrants by the millions taking the precious food jobs and resources they had? Come on now honey, no matter how sweet and compassionate you are you must understand this. History can be dangerous if you don't look at all of history and all aspects to any subject about the past. Times are going to get alot tougher the next two years, and though I wish suffering on noone, it will give those with closed minds about these subjects a new perspective on how immigration of the poor affect americans differantly. I am scottish on both sides of my family, I have traced my geneology as far back as history goes on record. My people were enslaved, conquered colonized, and oppressed far longer than the african was. No matter what race you are, you have migrated and and been conqured and driven from your land, and enslaved, NO MATTER WHAT RACE YOU ARE. Asians had it worse than most in history.As I said these things are horrible, but are just how nations and civilizations are built. Mexico is a wasteland, a 3rd world country beyond americans imaginations. The only reason its as civilized as it is is from america being next door. And if noone ever came and built america, america and mexico would to this day be inhabited by uncivilized nomadic peoples like the mayans aztecs origional mexicans, and the native american indian, who was not the first ones there either.If mexicans overwhelm the rest of the country as is lead ing to, our way of life ends, our society and civilation are gone replaced by a new hybrid mexican one. This is why there are immigration quotas and laws. I'm tired of educating look for yourself on these things, you'll see. But don't allow yourself to be lead to throw critical thinking, and reasoning away for emotions. THINK ABOUT EVERYTHING, RESEARCH THE FACTS, HISTORY, EXPERTS, AND REASONS FOR EVERYTHING. More importantly, always consider the source. 99.9 percent of the time their is an alterior motive or special interest behind the info you are given, especially if it plays to emotions like fear, sadness, or anger. Mass unchecked immigration?=bad for america, especially in times of instability. Laws and regulations on immigration?= good for america. Night Night lol
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