Saturday, September 20, 2008



1) How the Egyptians created a vast empire
2) Why the temples were made.

1) Where they got gold
2) What they used it for
3) The trade route
4) Instead of gold, what they used as payment.

1) How this impacted society
2) How its written
3) Phonograms and ideograms

1) Tools they used
2) Mathmatics
3) Hieroglyphics
4) How the kings and queens kept Egypt running.


Monday, September 8, 2008


Three things I would like to research is the South American rain forest, Aztec culture, and Egyptian ways of life when kings and queens ruled the land. South American rain forests are becoming smaller and smaller everyday. Land owners are cutting down the trees and plant life to continue to build. Many animals, plants, and insects are becoming extinct. Aztec culture is are unique, they lived in the South central region of present day Mexico. The Aztec domesticated the lands and hunted for different kinds of food. Egyptians are very mysterious people. They believed that there were gods and goddesses. Many poeple worked the land making pyramids and mudbrick homes. I would like to learn more about each of these subjects.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Getting a tattoo has been a controversial subject in many peoples lives. Some can't get tattoo's cause of religion and some get them because it is part of their religion. Tattoo's are viewed in so many different ways. From good to evil, nice to ugly, and girlie to hard. It all depends on how a person thinks. When people want a tattoo they look for cleanliness in a tattoo parlor. They don't want to get a tattoo in a place that's dirty, or where they don't change the needles. If the needles don't get changed and thrown away after every use somepne can get Hepititus, HIV, or AIDS. So getting a tattoo can be controversial.